Written and photos by Øistein Jakobsen
Nygårdslien Barneskole
... is no longer an average school
Don't judge the book by the cover.
We had a blast painting outside-in during 2023 Easter. Huge shoutout to our head master Else Holmefjord and our FAU partner Marita Kalve Skogen. Not to forget the dudes and lassies who changed the face of the school forever and ever 10.DIG, Adolfito, Bee, Bly, Dr. AW, Flygefisk, Helm, Nanjovu, NZER, Ounse, RIOT, Sorry, , Tokig, TRI and Vilde. Several of our city's crew visited as well. And what do you know Ami visited on the last day of Easter. More then 50 pieces all together I belive. Huge shoutout to Peppes Pizza, Vestkanten for feeding us - keeping all stomacks happy.
We hope the kids love it
... we did
So when this post hits the air
... school's back from Easter vacation
... but maybe the kids are wondering the yard and backyard looking for more pieces
Why we do stuff like this
... we do it because we love it
One of them project
"We were there"
... do we have a snowball?
